ADHD Positives Hub Of Blogs and Articles
By Henry Lam, ADHD Coach
1. Thriving with Myers-Briggs Personality Types and ADHD
This section explores how different Myers-Briggs personality types thrive while managing their ADHD.
2. Thriving with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders
This category focuses on how individuals with ADHD and co-existing conditions on the autism spectrum can thrive.
3. High-Functioning and High-Achieving ADHD
Articles in this section discuss how individuals with high-functioning ADHD or those who are high-achievers manage and thrive.
4. Link Between ADHD and Giftedness
This section explores the relationship between ADHD and exceptional intellectual or creative abilities.
5. Positive Traits Associated with ADHD
These articles focus on the positive traits that can be associated with ADHD, providing a strengths-based perspective.
6. Thriving with ADHD and the Enneagram
Explore how different Enneagram types with ADHD navigate their challenges and strengths.